( Picture from geekologie.com )
For the past few months, I have been experiencing great skin condition. It is properly balanced, well hydrated and has this certain glow too. My pores seems fine too. And best of all, my skin is clear of acne!
( My skin does have a habit of giving me scarred acne and it takes months for it to vanish completely from my skin. ) I was curious to know what can actually contribute to this great condition.
Some of you may know that I have been battling with constipation problem for months. In the month of October, I did a detox programme because I just feel I need to flush out all the toxins that are accumulated within me. ( Sorry for the gross explanation ) This is the 2nd time I did this programme and it never fails to do it's job well.
From that time until now, my skin is looking great and I feel fabulous. Even more so, I am happy to announce too that I have been able to go to the toilet almost everyday. Now, I am wondering, could the detox programmed have helped my skin to be clear of acne?
I did a little research over the net and I found this very interesting
article that is related to this post. Here are some excerpts from it.
Acne is a very common skin disorder. Almost 95% of all people suffer from
acne at some point in their life. The major cause of acne is because of hormonal
fluctuation which every indivisual undergoes during puberty. The hormonal
fluctuations can cause the sebaceous gland in the skin to produce excessive
sebum which causes the skin to have acne. The other factors that could lead to
acne are many these range from poor hygiene to excessive consumption of trans
fat in the diet.
Research suggest that constipation can also accelerate and aggravate acne in
certain individuals. This is because during constipation, excessive toxins are
created in the body which leads to acne out breaks. Thus the people who suffer
from constipation have a good chance to get acne.
And yes. This confirms my curiosity..
constipation can lead to acne.
Now, let's look at what I did to keep my skin clear: