Tuesday 27 September 2011

Eucalyptus Oil and It's Uses

( Image taken from botanical.com )

I bought a bottle of Eucalyptus a few months ago and my initial use of it is to treat my husband with his sinus problems. So far, I only use it once with my room diffuser to disinfect and clear my room air. With the hazy situation and the flu bug that we are experiencing now in our country, I think it's time for me to use it more often. But, are there any other uses of this oil rather than just using it with a room diffuser? Yes and here is a list of uses that I discovered:


Eucalyptus oil has a fresh distinctive odor and is the most powerful antiseptic with several disinfectant properties. It also has a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, that relieves pain and soothes.

It's Uses:

  • Commonly use as chest rubs or decongestants. Mix 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil in 2 teaspoons of carrier oil and apply as chest rub.
  • Clear nasal passages ( noseblock ) or respiratory system. Put 2-3 drops of oil to a steam inhalation.
  • Purify a sickroom during illness or antibacterial spray for kitchen and bathroom. Add 20-30 drops of oil to 300ml water in a spray bottle and spray into the room to kill the germs.
  • Muscle or joint rub. Mix 3 drop of Eucalyptus oil, 2 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of Chamomile  to 2 teaspoons of carrier oil and apply to joint for soothing effect.
  • Insect repellent.
  • As an antiseptic gargle.
  • Removal of tar from clothes. Apply a few drops of oil to the area and wipe the tar gently using a clean cloth
  • Helps ease rheumatism, arthritis and muscular aches.
Even though Eucalyptus oil has many benefits, one should be careful to use it. It can cause skin irritation and should be use in moderation. Eucalyptus oil is very stimulating and it is not advisable to use it on anyone who is pregnant or suffers from high blood pressures, heart disease, hypertension and epilepsy.

Where do I get my essential oil?

Eucalyptus Smithii Essential Oil ( from Garden of Wisdom )
Price: USD 3.85 ( MYR 11.97 ) for 30 ml

This item was purchased by me for my personal purposes. This review is based on my honest and personal experience with this product and is not influenced by any parties.


  1. i have a bottle of ready mix eucalyptus oil for my annoying sinus, used to apply it daily + the use of nasal spray. and i also have a 5ml with me in my handbag for the emergency use when i have horrible flu. so far it's really not bad ;) my sinus has improved without daily leakage, but am not sure if it is the essential oil or the nasal spray. i sometimes use it near my nose area when there is a bad smell in my surrounding. heh talk about how versatile it is ;)

  2. Mix eucalyptus oil...mmmm that gives me an idea to do one bottle to carry around with me. Can be an insect repellent too. Thanks for the idea ;D
